Y70 Cedar Creek Court Y70 Cedar Creek Court哈特福德, 北卡罗来纳州27944美国
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This is a cleared corner lot close to entrance of Randolph Village. Surround your home with either a picket fence or hedges, enjoy the day sitting on your deck overlooking the ponds and fountains. Walk across the street to Fitness center, bocce...
Y70 Cedar Creek Court, 哈特福德, 北卡罗来纳州 27944 美国 is a 土地,用地 for 销售 for $45,000 USD. Was built in , has 21,780 平方英尺 on a lot of .5 英亩 and it's composed from Bedrooms, full baths
Listing Courtesy of United Country Forbes Realty & Auctions LLC