Lot 22g Pinewod Trail Trail Lot 22g Pinewod Trail Trail哈特福德, 北卡罗来纳州27944美国
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Discover the perfect opportunity to own a piece of Holiday Island with these two adjoining parcels, Lot 22 & 23. Nestled amidst serene woodlands, this corner lot in presents an affordable and promising prospect for those seeking access to a range...
Lot 22g Pinewod Trail Trail, 哈特福德, 北卡罗来纳州 27944 美国 is a 土地,用地 for 销售 for $18,000 USD. Was built in , has 19,166 平方英尺 on a lot of .44 英亩 and it's composed from Bedrooms, full baths