Set amongst the Blue Ridge Mountains, Blue Fish Farm stands as a premier legacy estate in the land of waterfalls. Spanning 161 acres along the French Broad River, this sanctuary offers unparalleled privacy and tranquility. Renovated in 2019 under...
Set amongst the Blue Ridge Mountains, Blue Fish Farm stands as a premier legacy estate in the land of waterfalls. Spanning 161 acres along the French Broad River, this sanctuary offers unparalleled privacy and tranquility. Renovated in 2019 under the expert guidance of PLATT architects, the mountain-modern residence is light, fresh, and spacious, punctuated beautifully by crafted details that layer in a feeling of coziness and intimacy. This unique offering consists of the main residence, pool house, and two guest cottages delivering a total of 10 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, and 4 half baths. This entertainment haven is complete with a pool, gym, theater, tennis court, miles of trails, three spring-fed ponds, and a state of the art greenhouse. With the charming town of Brevard just a 10-minute drive away and Asheville airport within 30 minutes, convenience meets natural splendor seamlessly. Blue Fish Farm stands as a peerless retreat — a place of effortless allure and enduring enchantment.
Walk-in Closet
BREVARD, Brevard, 北卡罗来纳州 28712 美国 is a 独户住宅 for 销售 for $19,900,000 USD. Was built in 1959, has 12,713 平方英尺 on a lot of and it's composed from 10 Bedrooms, 10 full baths and 5 partial baths